League Notes: If you're new here, click 'Join league' above this box
Rules can now be found in the stats tab.
Live updates at @thecoffeeleague on twitter!
For the data nerds, past scores can be found here: bit.ly/usbc2016data
Technical issues have been fixed up but contact lanny@lannyhuang.com if you run into any snags!
The list of cash players is available here- $160 pot!!
Fantasy USBC 2017 is proudly sponsored by Sprudge
USBC Structure:
-Day 1 (Friday 4/21): 23 baristas will compete. The top 6 will advance to the semifinals.
-Day 2 (Saturday 4/22): The 6 advancing baristas and 12 pre-qualified baristas will compete. The top 6 from this pool of 18 will advance to the finals.
-Day 3 (Sunday 4/23): The final 6 baristas will compete to become the sovereign leader of our industry.
Fantasy League Rules:
-Players will hire a team (fantasy Café?) of 6 baristas from the 36 competitors.
-Barista salary is determined by their USCC qualifying score
--The combined salary of your team of baristas cannot exceed 15,315.
-Teams will be awarded points according to their baristas’ scores and how far they make it into the competition.
--Each barista will receive points equal to their round score multiplied by 10 (to address half points).
--Baristas achieving multiple scores over the three rounds will have their highest score count (i.e. in 2015 Sam Schroeder scored 633 in the semifinals and 611 in the finals so his semifinals score would count)
--Baristas disqualified from exceeding the 16 minute time limit will still be scored according to their scoresheet total (including their time penalty)
-Baristas that advance from round 1 to the semifinals will receive a 150 point bonus.
--Baristas receiving a first round bye will not receive this bonus.
-Baristas that advance from the semifinals to the finals will receive a 300 point bonus
--A Barista that advances twice will receive both bonuses.
-The participant who drafts the highest scoring team will win the entire cash prize (minus fees)!
All are welcome to participate for bragging rights, but only those who buy-in are eligible to win the cash pot.
Individuals register to judge USBC are prohibited from entering, sorry Letoto!
The list of cash players is available here:
Fantasy USBC 2017 is proudly sponsored by Sprudge