Survivor 41 Log

Survivor 41 Week 7

  • 7:22AM November 04, 2021
  • Charles Bergeron

Let's do the time warp again

The episode starts off with the cast gathered at the challenge - Lucky for Erika, as she gets a few points here from Jeff asking her questions about her time on the island, how the advantage worked, and her ultimate choice - Good on you Erika for taking immunity!

The challenge is a nailbiter, with Ricard ultimately coming out ahead, for our first individual immunity win of the season (7 points).

Now we're off to a fresh scramble for votes, as tribal is that night, and everyone who used to be safe, now isn't, and vice versa. Don't forget that Shan, Naseer, and Xander all started the episode with an idol in their pockets (+1).

Liana makes a move with her Knowledge is Power advantage, trying to steal Xander's idol, though she falls for the misdirect! No points scored for acquiring a fake idol unfortunately. This tribal is live, and full with risky advantage plays - Sydney takes her shot in the dark wisely, but it misses. Deshawn plays his extra vote on Evvie, but it's a waste. Xander does not play his idol for Evvie, and by one vote, made the right call - Sydney goes home, just falling short of the merge (and presumably jury), but seems to prefer being away from all these people. Fun fact: Sydney never got to cast a single vote, in any context, on Survivor.

Shan gets bonus points for saying the episode title in passing (I believe), "there's gonna be blood", for 3 points. Liana, Xander, and Evvie lead the confessional count this episode, but Deshawn, Erika, and Sydney pick up a few as well.

To next week, our first full merge episode! Unless Jeff has something to say about that.